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Monday, May 23, 2005

State Capitol Prayerwalkers Meeing

There will be a State Capitol Prayerwalkers Meeting on Thursday, June 2, 2005 at 7:00pm at Shiloh Christian Church, 870 Prospect Avenue, Hartford, CT.

Do you want to do something that will make a difference in our state government? Do you want to do something that will actively influence government policy in a Christlike way? If you’re interested, the CT House of Prayer-Hartford sends teams of Christians into the State Capitol Building to pray for the legislators every day, Monday through Friday while legislature is in session. If you’re interested in finding out more about this, come to this meeting.

The Legislature is in session only half a year, usually from January through June. It will require a commitment of only 1-2 hours one day every other week Monday through Friday sometime between the hours of 8:00-5:00pm.

Last winter there were 10 teams of prayerwalkers prayerwalking the State Capitol Building. They will be there to share their experiences with us. Come and find out more about this exciting prayer ministry!

From the east: Take the Sisson Avenue exit off Interstate 84, Hartford. Go straight onto Prospect Avenue. Take a right and Shiloh Christian Church is approximately 1-2 miles on the right, just before Elizabeth Park.
From the west: Take the Prospect Avenue exit. Take a left onto Prospect Avenue and Shiloh Christian Church is approximately 2-3 miles on your right.

For more information, call: Audrey Church McIntyre, CT House of Prayer, Inc. - Hartford, P.O. Box 4042, Hartford CT 06147-4042, (860) 716-0247.

Jesusfest Returns this July

JESUSFEST is a local one-day Christian festival / "country fair" that Drew Crandall from Keep in Touch has facilitated. Every year this festival has doubled in size - last year there were some 7,000 to 8,000 people in attendance! It is held at the Tolland Agricultural Grounds in Vernon. This year the festival will be held Saturday, July 9 from 10am-9pm.

The objective of this festival is to reach out to the lost in our community and promote unity among the churches crossing denominational lines by reaching out to the community together - showing that Christians can have fun! Approximately 10 churches from a wide variety of fellowships & denominations are involved in putting this festival together. The festival is free to the public.

This year there will be two 2 prayer tents set up: one will be an intercessory tent where there will be 14 hours of straight worship and intercession for the State of Connecticut; the second will be a place where people at the festival can come to receive prayer. Audrey McIntyre, the prayer coordinator for the event, is seeking prayer leaders and ministers who have active prayer groups to come with their groups and pray for 2 hours on-site at the festival. Would you like to come to the festival with your fellow intercessors and spend at least 2 hours in worship and intercession for the State of Connecticut? If so, contact Audrey via e-mail.

For more information, check (Site may still be under construction.)

Friday, May 13, 2005

MSNBC Interview with Rep. Rob Simmons on base closure

Congressman Simmons can be seen here getting as agitated as a polite Connecticut congressman can possibly get in response to the news about the sub base.

You may need to endure a 30-second NBC commercial for Pampers or something.

First Execution in New England in 45 Years

Another big story: Michael Ross was finally executed... the Courant has a comprehensive piece here.

Federal Agency Overturns Recognition of Two Tribes

Another big story: the Interior Board of Indian Appeals has overturned the federal recognition of the Schagticoke Tribe, which is based in Kent, as well as the Eastern Pequot tribe which is located in southeastern Connecticut.

Published reports indicate that the matters will go back to the Bureau of Indian Affairs for reconsideration.

This is a major victory for those fighting the spread of casinos in Connecticut. It was widely feared that the Schagticoke Tribe would seek to operate a casino in the Danbury area.

Groton Base Threatened With Closure

One of an incredible series of large stories hitting the State today...what is going on in the heavenlies?

The biggest story is that the submarine base is slated to be closed. The Base Realignment and Closure Commission has spoken, and under its plans, Connecticut would take the biggest hit in the country: we will lose 7,096 military jobs and 952 civilian jobs. This does not even take into account the domino effect to businesses all over the southeastern part of the State. Connectciut officials are vowing to fight the recommendation.

The full BRAC report can be seen here (PDF document).

Continue to pray for God's mercies on our State and its economy.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Fear and trembling in Groton as Report comes out tomorrow

News will likely be released from the Department of Defense tomorrow as to the future of the U. S Naval Submarine Base in Groton. At this juncture, all we can do is pray that this linchpin of the Southeastern economy (31,000 jobs) will "stay afloat." Keep praying.

Solemn Assembly this Sunday, May 15th!

To all our praying friends:

The Spirit of the Lord has prompted apostolic prayer leaders around the world to call for a Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday, which falls this year on May 15.

Here in Connecticut we are in a season of great cultural upheaval and redefinition of society’s foundation. It is rightly fitting for the Body of Christ in Connecticut to join together to seek the face of God in repentance and prayer. The prophet Joel enjoins us at such times to “blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a fast and call a solemn assembly.”

A representative group of ministers is echoing the Spirit’s call for God’s people to meet in such assembly here in Connecticut, on May 15 at The First Cathedral in Bloomfield, Connecticut beginning at 7:00 PM. (Click here for directions to First Cathedral.)

Scripture bears witness that revival comes only as God's people humble themselves before Jesus Christ in corporate confession, united in a passionate plea for a movement of His Spirit. The Connecticut Solemn Assembly will be a time for the church in Connecticut to cross the lines of geography, race, denomination, and tradition to seek God's face, to ask Him to restrain His judgment and, in mercy, pour out his reviving Spirit upon our land.

If you are unable to attend, it remains vital that you spend some time in prayer for the State of Connecticut this coming Sunday evening.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Drop the shaver and step away from the vehicle!

Having resolved weightier matters, the Legislature is taking up the issue of distracted drivers. The bill is being assailed by some who believe it gives too much discretion to the courts and the policeman. We'll be interested to see what is considered "arrestable" behavior. Personally, I've seen people on the highway reading a book. But isn't there already a reckless driving statute?

Thursday, May 05, 2005

National Day of Prayer Observances in Connecticut

Today is the National Day of Prayer, and rather than fret over the inevitable attacks on the day's observances (most typically, that they're not sufficiently diverse) you may want to just pray! Here is a list of Connecticut events that have been posted on the National Day of Prayer's website.

To read the Presidential Proclamation, go here.