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Monday, April 25, 2005

The big rally...

The Connecticut press was willing to concede that 3,000 people came out on a Sunday afternoon to voice their displeasure at the thought of civil unions legislation. That's somewhat impressive when you consider that the thing had already passed...

Also of note: there were only 80 counter-demonstrators. Still, it's hard to tell from watching TV that such a disparity exists. WTNH (Channel 8) described the pro-family contingent as "over a thousand." I suppose the gay-rights activists could be excused from coming to the Capitol as they got what they were after!

Lots of promises from the pro-family voices to remember this in 2006. If so, much more prayer and hard work is required. The Senate was ready to vote for this by about a 3/4 margin if you recall... Even if the Act were repealed, there would be a flurry of court challenges. What would be the status of people who were "civil-unionized" during the life of the Act?

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