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Friday, October 28, 2005

New Christian Events Calendar for Connecticut!

I'm in the process of constructing a new Christian events calendar for Connecticut, which you can access here. The calendar will also be available from the link in the right-hand column, and will also be accessible from the PrayCT website very soon. (I was more than a little displeased with the performance of the one I had originally selected. Lesson learned: we get what we pay for!)

How to post events to the calendar:

Please e-mail us to post your events. Please provide as much info as you can. If you would like to post a brochure or flyer, you may also send them to me. Try to use Windows-friendly formats such as Word, Publisher, or PDF. I will host these files on the PrayCT server and therefore the calendar will enable people to quickly jump to your brochure. If you provide no brochure, I will instead provide a link to your church or ministry's home page. The service is free for the foreseeable future, but any donations to defray the cost (even micropayments) would be appreciated. Just click the Paypal button which appears in the right-hand column under "donations."

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