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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Christmas notes from The Christmas City... and services for the depressed

From the "It Had To Come to This Eventually" Department: A California Methodist church is holding a
"Blue Christmas" service for people who get depressed during the holidays.

Pastor Barbara Smith says, "It's designed for all of us to acknowledge in the midst of all these activities that we have this sadness."

In the same vein, and closer to home, the First Congregational Church of Kent will hold an alternative Christmas service tomorrow.

“The purpose of this worship service,” explains the church’s pastor, the Rev. Melinda Keck, “is to provide a setting where people can come together, acknowledge their pain, be reassured that they are not alone in their feelings and to experience the message of God’s unconditional love, which is at the heart of this season.”

Not a bad idea to be sure, but I can't help wondering how many people would be helped a bit in their emotions if the entire society would embrace the joy of Christmas, instead of turning it into the annual war it has become.

What do I mean? Read this touching and nostalgic piece by Bill Stanley in the Norwich Bulletin about the days when Norwich was called the Christmas City. And have a Merry Christmas!

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