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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Report on the Global Day of Prayer

Barbara Lachance, President of the Connecticut House of Prayer, gives this report on Sunday's Global Day of Prayer meeting in Hartford:

Greetings in the Name of Jesus:

The Global Day of Prayer at the Connecticut Convention Center on June 4, was a tremendous success. Approximately 4500 were present and the worship was wonderful. Cultures and denominations were represented and the unity far surpassed anything we have ever seen. THIS WAS A HISTORY MAKING EVENT.

There are so many who were responsible for making this event successful. First I want to thank all the Pastors and their churches who donated funds. Secondly, Danna Lichanec who worked endless hours to organize all the details. The Prayer Leaders and Worship Team led us into the Throne Room of God. The bowls were filled and I believe that our prayers were a sweet incense to God.

This was our second Global Day of Prayer but not our last. Next year I believe we will have many more. Thanks to all who attended and made this meeting such a wonderful, blessed time. Below are the testimonies of several people who attended:

  • Last Sunday evening as we were praying I kept thinking of the Vision Statement for the CT House of the vision was to raise up an army of 5,000 intercessors crossing denominational, cultural and color lines to pray for the transformation of the state of Connecticut. This was fulfilled Sunday night! PRAISE GOD!!!
  • Everything was sooooo good. The attendance (more next year), the people were serious about praying (not a lot of distracting behavior), the music was very well selected I thought, the sensitivity to the Spanish community was definitely there, the respect for the One Body of Christ and the intrinsic diversity in that Body, the pray-ers were VERY good, not drawing attention to themselves, but really praying for His glory. The little girl slayed me (she was the best). I liked the program very much, liked having a printed format to follow. I think that helped keep the distractions down, because it gave people something to focus on. Very good. ALL my family came and they all liked it. I know you will get thousands more next year because everyone will tell someone how GOOD it was. And we need it so much in our country and for the world.
  • It was wonderful seeing the Church gather for worship, praise, prayer & repentance & a call for God to unleash His power in the State of CT - everything "appeared" to run smoothly & God's presence prevailed in the venue.
  • The global day of prayer was God fab! Real freedom in the spirit. Great prayers. Unity. Glorious worship.
Let's all make this day a marker every year and believe God for a doubling or even tripling of the event's attendance!

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