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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Godless in Connecticut?

An old joke says that the most religious people on earth are the Indians, and the most irreligious are the Swedes. The punch line is that America is a nation of Indians ruled by Swedes. The Washington Times tells us that this is still true in 2006.

Eight out of 10 Americans believe God guided creation in some capacity. A Gallup Poll reveals that 46 percent think God created man in his present form sometime in the past 10,000 years, while 36 percent say man developed over millions of years from lesser life forms, but God guided the process.

Only 13 percent of Americans think mankind evolved with no divine intervention.

"There has been surprisingly little change over the last 24 years in how Americans respond," pollster Frank Newport said.

Apparently, Creation and even the "creation-lite" concept of Intelligent Design, are alive and well - although I suspect more than 13% of Connecticut residents come down on the side of Darwin.

We may not care for the sharpness of tongue of conservative commentator Ann Coulter, but I believe she has done us a service in her new book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism, Coulter devotes a large amount of space to refuting Darwinian evolution. Significantly, this includes a discussion of the actual science from an intelligent design viewpoint, including the complexity of life on the cellular level - a complexity unknown to 19th century (and much of 20th century) science.

This may be the first time that a wide cross-section of society - Ms. Coulter's milliions of readers and critics - will be exposed to the science of Creation.

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Unknown said...

This may be the first time that a wide cross-section of society - Ms. Coulter's milliions of readers and critics - will be exposed to the science of Creation.
What an oxymoron...the "science of creation."

Harvest Time said...

Unless of course there is some actual scientific evidence that supports the idea of creation. But typically, opponents of creationism or intelligent design can do nothing except make ad hominem attacks or say that it can't be true because we all it can't be true. I don't see anyone addressing the actual scientific arguments creationists raise.