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Monday, August 01, 2005

Earthquakes Aplenty

This takes us beyond the realm of Connecticut obviously, but I couldn't help but notice the large amount of strong earthquakes around the world in the last couple of weeks. This is not just anecdotal evidence on my part, as I do track them with a nifty RSS feed from the U. S. Geological Survey.

(There are several different RSS feeds available for quakes depending on the size, but the only one I was able to make work was the feed listing all quakes size 2.5 or above. This gives perhaps too many results, but is very interesting. Anyway, I was alarmed to see how many quakes there have been size 5.0 and above lately, including a 5.6 in Montana that I did not hear about elsewhere in the press. If you are new to the world of RSS feeds, my own personal recommendation is RSS Reader, which still a free download. It does not integrate into Outlook or Internet Explorer but I think it's a great program.)

Please, let's pray for God's mercies on our State. Earthquakes are not unknown here, just not prevalent or powerful.

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